Friday, May 20, 2005

Catching Up

Ok, fine. I'm months behind the rest of the poker blogging community. The previous-mentioned Albert burned me a cd a week ago, containing Poker Tracker and Poker Indicator, among others.

Tonight was my normal Thursday night cash game. I spent the first hour and a half distracted by my nose in my laptop, trying to get my UB hand histories to mesh with Poker Tracker. Wasn't overly hard. And I won a "big" hand with J9-spades when I was testing PT at the $.25/$.50 limit tables. I'm a horrible limit player.

Albert was in attendance, helped me with my PT set-up, and was the big winner this evening, $35 to the good. He'll also be at Crystal Park Friday night, when I meet the unstoppable juggernaught that is Joe Speaker.

UB Update: $692.95 real, $256.76 bonus, 4370.65 Pts. These figures include the $30 I've transferred to the PCS's Seth (so I would have $722 real).


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